Location: Tobaccoville, North Carolina

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Instructional Goals

Did the presenter/designer state goals and objectives that state clearly how the instruction will enable learners to master the selected tasks (from task analysis) and in turn address identified needs (from needs assessment).

In other words are mega elements carried through into goal statements?

Did the presenter’s objectives clearly state what is to be done, in what conditions, and according to what criteria?

Goal 1: Increased Reflection regarding mathematical concepts
Objective 1.1: Journal about concepts
Objective 1.2: Write summaries (review pages) about concepts
Objective 1.3: Read about concepts prior to concept discussion in class

Goal 2: Increased Communication regarding mathematical concepts
Objective 2.1: Participate in discussion board about concepts & homework
Objective 2.2: Participate in class discussion
Objective 2.3: Completion of Group Assignments (Problem Sets & Projects & Web Research)


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