Location: Tobaccoville, North Carolina

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Needs vs. Task: Feb 23 Class Reflection

Well, we literally just finished our MOO discussion for Feb. 23. Based on it I think I did some of my task analysis incorrectly. One task I listed was interviewing stakeholders, specifically students and parents. I see this as a necessary task because I wanted student input regarding what information to put on the course website. The need for a website has already been established. But I want the input regarding students' ideas of what is helpful.

I'm looking for the students view on what is helpful in their math course. They are in sense the "experts" on the type of help they need. From this point of view would interviewing them fall under a needs assessment or a task analsis.

Maybe I am blurring the lines again. I understand task analysis should focus on experts where as needs assessment deals with stakeholders. But in point of view I just mentioned, my stakeholds are my experts.

Maybe the type of questions I ask will determine if interviewing students is part of needs or part of task analysis.

Am I totally out there??????????


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