Learning Connections Inventory
As I mentioned last week during our MOO session, I am really looking forward to taking the Learning Connections Inventory. It appears to be very different than over Learning Preference/Style/Inventories I’ve taken before (VARK, Felders, & Myers Brigg).
The LCI deals more with style and pattern recognition of style rather than preference. I do see a difference between a learning style and a learning preference. Preference, to me, seems to change with the situation. For example, when I study math concepts I prefer for the material to have a visual presentation. I like to look at math and see what’s going on. On the other hand, when I am studying education concepts I prefer a verbal and auditory presentation. I like to discuss education trends and bounce ideas off of other people. So, in essence my preference depends on what I’m studying. A learning style on the other hand is something that doesn’t change with what I’m studying. For example, I always prefer to start with the big picture and work down to the detail and I always prefer to have a “map” of what I’m doing.
The LCI deal with recognizing how four different learning patterns work together. The LCI is “conceptually driven by a clear definition of learning as an integrative process, not simply a preference, an issue of personality, nor a strategic approach to learning” (pg. 14).
The four learning patterns discussed are:
Sequential Pattern:
Order & Consistency
Reliance on Directions
Use of Neatness
Staying within the parameters
Precise Pattern:
Detail & Exactness
Memorization of Details
Asking/Answering Questions, Researched Answers
Tests to “show what I know”
Technical Pattern:
Stand-Alone, Independent Reasoning
Reliance on Information from previous “real-world” experiences
Hands-On doing
Sense of self in construction of final project
Confluent Pattern:
Pull together all the area of experience and forms them into new ideas and thoughts
Doing things in a unique manner
I was struck by the quote “When teachers understand their own learning connections, they are better prepared to act as catalysts for initiating diverse instructional activities and effective alternative assessments” (pg. 4). I feel this is very true. I’ve noticed that I tend to teach concepts the way I am comfortable learning them. Because all of my students do not necessary learn the same way that I do, I’ve learned to make adaptations and find alternative ways to teach the same concepts. These alternative ways made my teaching more diverse and more effective.
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